Crate sfox

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Unofficial Rust client for the SFox API.

This library provides an asynchronous, tokio-based client for the SFox API over HTTP and WebSockets. FIX is not supported.


The SFOX_API_KEY environment variable is required. API keys can be obtained from the dashboard.

SFOX_HTTP_SERVER_URL and SFOX_WS_SERVER_URL environment variables are optional. If not set, the default values are used.


Both the HTTP and WebSocket APIs are modeled as asynchronous clients. The HTTP client is used for all REST API calls, while the WebSocket client is used for subscribing to market data feeds. Both clients are intended to have a lifetime across the program but the HTTP client is threadsafe and can be used ephermerally. The websocket client should be reused as it maintains a connection to the server. Note that the socket must be explicitly authenticated after instantiation.

§HTTP Client

use sfox::http::v1::currency::CurrencyPair;
use sfox::http::Client;
use std::collections::HashMap;

tokio_test::block_on(async {
  let http_client = Client::new().unwrap();
  let _pairs: HashMap<String, CurrencyPair> = http_client.currency_pairs().await.unwrap();

§WebSocket Client

use futures::StreamExt;
use sfox::websocket::{message::Feed, Client};

tokio_test::block_on(async {
  let sfox_ws = sfox::websocket::Client::new().await.unwrap();
  let (mut write, mut read) =;

// Start a task to read messages from the SFox stream
  let _sfox_handle = tokio::spawn(async move {
      while let Some(message) = {
          println!("Received message: {:?}", message);

  // Subscribe to a feed on the websocket server
  let _ticker_subscription = Client::subscribe(&mut write, Feed::Ticker, vec!["btcusd".to_string()]).await;

  // Authenticate in order to access private feeds
  let _authentication_attempt = Client::authenticate(&mut write).await;

  // Subscribe to a private feed
  let _balance_subscription = Client::subscribe(&mut write, Feed::Balances, vec![]).await;


  • Models the resources of the SFox HTTP API with tokio-based convenience methods for making HTTP requests to the SFOX API.
  • Offers convenience methods for authentication and feed subscription, as well as types for message deserialization.