Crate sevseg_3642bs

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Driver crate for the 3642BS 4 digit 7 segment display

[Datasheet link]

How to use

Create a new display object by calling .new() and passing the GPIO pins the display is connected to. It is necessary for your HAL to use embedded_hal::digital::v2::OutputPin

let mut display = SevenSeg::new(
pins.gpio16.into_push_pull_output(), // Segment A
pins.gpio17.into_push_pull_output(), // Segment B
pins.gpio18.into_push_pull_output(), // Segment C
pins.gpio19.into_push_pull_output(), // Segment D
pins.gpio20.into_push_pull_output(), // Segment E
pins.gpio21.into_push_pull_output(), // Segment F
pins.gpio22.into_push_pull_output(), // Segment G

pins.gpio26.into_push_pull_output(), // Dots segment

pins.gpio15.into_push_pull_output(), // Digit 0 common anode
pins.gpio14.into_push_pull_output(), // Digit 1 common anode
pins.gpio13.into_push_pull_output(), // Digit 2 common anode
pins.gpio12.into_push_pull_output(), // Digit 3 common anode

delay // Your HAL's delay object 

Once the display has been defined, the other methods can be called, for example:


.number(), .hex() and .time() Will return a DisplayErr result which can be matched:

if let Err(err) = display.time(13, 37) {
    match err {
        DisplayErr::PinFail => info!("Failed to write to a pin!");
        DisplayErr::OutOfRange => info!("One of the numbers is too large!")

You can make your own custom charcaters by specifying which segments should turn on on a bitwise or operation:

let letter_c = SEG_A | SEG_F | SEG_E | SEG_D;
let letter_o = SEG_G | SEG_C | SEG_D | SEG_E;
let letter_l = SEG_F | SEG_E | SEG_D;

(The segment names are indicated on the datasheet)

.custom() takes an array with 4 values, each corresponding to one digit. The following example demonstrates how to write CooL to the display:

let text_cool = [letter_c, letter_o, letter_o, letter_l];


  • To use the display you’ll need to pass the microcontroller’s pins and the delay object in your HAL.



  • Will turn on the segment A when used in .custom(). Can be used in combination with other segment constants combining them with the or ( | ) operator
  • Will turn on the segment B when used in .custom(). Can be used in combination with other segment constants combining them with the or ( | ) operator
  • Will turn on the segment C when used in .custom(). Can be used in combination with other segment constants combining them with the or ( | ) operator
  • Will turn on the segment D when used in .custom(). Can be used in combination with other segment constants combining them with the or ( | ) operator
  • Will turn on the segment E when used in .custom(). Can be used in combination with other segment constants combining them with the or ( | ) operator
  • Will turn on the segment F when used in .custom(). Can be used in combination with other segment constants combining them with the or ( | ) operator
  • Will turn on the segment G when used in .custom(). Can be used in combination with other segment constants combining them with the or ( | ) operator
  • Will turn on the two dots when used in .custom(). Can be used in combination with other segment constants combining them with the or ( | ) operator. Note that only one of the common anodes connects to the two dots.