Module sesstype::parser [] [src]

The module provides parser for a simple session type language.


Two parser functions are provided for Global Type and Local Type respectively, as with the parent sesstype module, both types share common elements role and message, and the grammars are shown below:


Be careful when using this code, it's not being tested!
ident   = [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*
role    = ident
message = ident payload
payload = "()"
        | "(" ident ")"

Global Types

Be careful when using this code, it's not being tested!
global   = "(" role "->" role ":" interact ")"
         | recur
         | typevar
         | end
interact = sendrecv | "{" sendrecv ("," sendrecv)+ "}"
sendrecv = message "." global
recur    = "*" ident "." global
typevar  = ident
end      = "end"

Local Types

Be careful when using this code, it's not being tested!
local    = role "&" branch
         | role "+" select
         | lrecur
         | ltypevar
         | end
branch   = recv | "{" recv ("," recv)+ "}"
recv     = "?" message "." local
select   = send | "{" send ("," send)+ "}"
send     = "!" message "." local
lrecur   = "*" ident "." local
ltypevar = ident
lend     = "end"



Registry of roles in a parsed protocol.



Returns parsed global::Type from a given String.


Returns parsed local::Type from a given String.