Module serpente::gpio::v2::pin[][src]

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Type-level module for GPIO pins

This module provides a type-level API for GPIO pins. It uses the type system to track the state of pins at compile-time. Representing GPIO pins in this manner incurs no run-time overhead. Each Pin struct is zero-sized, so there is no data to copy around. Instead, real code is generated as a side effect of type transformations, and the resulting assembly is nearly identical to the equivalent, hand-written C.

To track the state of pins at compile-time, this module uses traits to represent type classes and types as instances of those type classes. For example, the trait InputConfig acts as a type-level enum of the available input configurations, and the types Floating, PullDown and PullUp are its type-level variants.

Type-level Pins are parameterized by two type-level enums, PinId and PinMode.

pub struct Pin<I, M>
    I: PinId,
    M: PinMode,
    // ...

A PinId identifies a pin by it’s group (A, B, C or D) and pin number. Each PinId instance is named according to its datasheet identifier, e.g. PA02.

A PinMode represents the various pin modes. The available PinMode variants are Disabled, Input, Interrupt, Output and Alternate, each with its own corresponding configurations.

It is not possible for users to create new instances of a Pin. Singleton instances of each pin are made available to users through the Pins struct.

To create the Pins struct, users must supply the PAC PORT peripheral. The Pins struct takes ownership of the [PORT] and provides the corresponding pins. Each Pin within the Pins struct can be moved out and used individually.

let mut peripherals = Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let pins = Pins::new(peripherals.PORT);

Pins can be converted between modes using several different methods.

// Use one of the literal function names
let pa27 = pins.pa27.into_floating_input();
// Use a generic method and one of the `PinMode` variant types
let pa27 = pins.pa27.into_mode::<FloatingInput>();
// Specify the target type and use `From`/`Into`
let pa27: Pin<PA27, FloatingInput> = pins.pa27.into();

Embedded HAL traits

This module implements all of the embedded HAL GPIO traits for each Pin in the corresponding PinModes, namely: [InputPin], OutputPin, [ToggleableOutputPin] and [StatefulOutputPin].

For example, you can control the logic level of an OutputPin like so

use atsamd_hal::pac::Peripherals;
use atsamd_hal::gpio::v2::Pins;
use embedded_hal::digital::v2::OutputPin;

let mut peripherals = Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let mut pins = Pins::new(peripherals.PORT);

Type-level features

This module also provides additional, type-level tools to work with GPIO pins.

The OptionalPinId and OptionalPin traits use the OptionalKind pattern to act as type-level versions of Option for PinId and Pin respectively. And the AnyPin trait defines an AnyKind type class for all Pin types.


Type-level variant of PinMode for alternate peripheral functions

Type-level variant of PinMode for disabled modes

Type-level variant of PinMode for input modes

Type-level variant of PinMode for Interrupt modes

Type-level variant of PinMode for output modes

A type-level GPIO pin, parameterized by PinId and PinMode types

Collection of all the individual Pins


Type-level variant of AlternateConfig for alternate peripheral function B

Type-level variant of AlternateConfig for alternate peripheral function C

Type-level variant of AlternateConfig for alternate peripheral function D

Type-level variant of AlternateConfig for alternate peripheral function E

Type-level variant of AlternateConfig for alternate peripheral function F

Type-level variant of both DisabledConfig and InputConfig

Type-level variant of AlternateConfig for alternate peripheral function G

Type-level variant of AlternateConfig for alternate peripheral function H

Pin ID representing pin PA00

Pin ID representing pin PA01

Pin ID representing pin PA02

Pin ID representing pin PA03

Pin ID representing pin PA04

Pin ID representing pin PA05

Pin ID representing pin PA06

Pin ID representing pin PA07

Pin ID representing pin PA08

Pin ID representing pin PA09

Pin ID representing pin PA10

Pin ID representing pin PA11

Pin ID representing pin PA14

Pin ID representing pin PA15

Pin ID representing pin PA16

Pin ID representing pin PA17

Pin ID representing pin PA18

Pin ID representing pin PA19

Pin ID representing pin PA22

Pin ID representing pin PA23

Pin ID representing pin PA24

Pin ID representing pin PA25

Pin ID representing pin PA27

Pin ID representing pin PA28

Pin ID representing pin PA30

Pin ID representing pin PA31

Type-level variant of both DisabledConfig and InputConfig

Type-level variant of both DisabledConfig and InputConfig

Type-level variant of OutputConfig for a push-pull configuration

Type-level variant of OutputConfig for a readable push-pull configuration


Type-level enum for alternate peripheral function configurations

Type class for Pin types

Type-level enum for disabled configurations

Type-level enum for input configurations

Type-level enum for Interrupt configurations

Type-level equivalent of Option<PinId>

Type-level equivalent of Option<PinId>

Type-level enum for output configurations

Type-level enum for pin IDs

Type-level enum representing pin modes

Type-level equivalent of Some(PinId)

Type-level equivalent of Some(PinId)

Type Definitions

Type-level variant of PinMode for alternate peripheral function B

Type-level variant of PinMode for alternate peripheral function C

Type-level variant of PinMode for alternate peripheral function D

Type-level variant of PinMode for alternate peripheral function E

Type-level variant of PinMode for alternate peripheral function F

Type-level variant of PinMode for alternate peripheral function G

Type-level variant of PinMode for alternate peripheral function H

Type-level variant of PinMode for floating disabled mode

Type-level variant of PinMode for floating input mode

Type-level variant of PinMode for floating Interrupt mode

Type-level variant of PinMode for pull-down disabled mode

Type-level variant of PinMode for pull-down input mode

Type-level variant of PinMode for pull-down Interrupt mode

Type-level variant of PinMode for pull-up disabled mode

Type-level variant of PinMode for pull-up input mode

Type-level variant of PinMode for pull-up Interrupt mode

Type-level variant of PinMode for push-pull output mode

Type-level variant of PinMode for readable push-pull output mode

Type alias for the PinMode at reset

Type alias to recover the specific Pin type from an implementation of AnyPin