macro_rules! serializer {
        #[derive( $($derive_tokens:tt),* )]
        pub(crate) struct $name:ident<$type:ty> { $($body:tt)* }
    } => { ... };
        pub(crate) struct $name:ident<$type:ty> { $($body:tt)* }
    } => { ... };
        #[derive( $($derive_tokens:tt),* )]
        pub struct $name:ident<$type:ty> { $($body:tt)* }
    } => { ... };
        pub struct $name:ident<$type:ty> { $($body:tt)* }
    } => { ... };
        #[derive( $($derive_tokens:tt),* )]
        struct $name:ident<$type:ty> { $($body:tt)* }
    } => { ... };
        struct $name:ident<$type:ty> { $($body:tt)* }
    } => { ... };
Expand description

This macro is the primary way to make serializers. See the top level docs for an example.

It expands into a struct the implements Serializer.


The macro also lets you set separate JSON keys and field names. That is done by adding an additional first argument to attr, has_one, or has_many which will be the key.

You can also write pub in front of the name of your strcut to make it public. Additionally you can write pub(crate) to make it public within your crate.

You can also add #[derive(...)] above the struct definition.


extern crate serializers;
extern crate serde_json;

use serializers::*;

pub struct User {
    id: u64,
    country: Country,
    friends: Vec<User>,

pub struct Country {
    id: u64,

serializer! {
    pub struct UserSerializer<User> {
        attr(identifier, id)
        has_one(homeland, country, CountrySerializer)
        has_many(buddies, friends, UserSerializer)

serializer! {
    pub(crate) struct CountrySerializer<Country> {
        attr(code, id)

fn main() {
    let denmark = Country {
        id: 1,

    let bob = User {
        id: 1,
        country: denmark.clone(),
        friends: vec![
            User {
                id: 2,
                country: denmark.clone(),
                friends: vec![],

    let json: String = UserSerializer::serialize(&bob);

            "buddies": [
                    "buddies": [],
                    "homeland": { "code": 1 },
                    "identifier": 2
            "homeland": { "code": 1 },
            "identifier": 1