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Models relating to guilds and types that it owns.


Audit log types for administrative actions within guilds.

Auto moderation types


A representation of a banning of a user.

Represents a custom guild emoji, which can either be created using the API, or via an integration. Emojis created using the API only work within the guild it was created in.

Information about a Discord guild, such as channels, emojis, etc.

Basic information about a guild.

Preview Guild information.

Representation of the number of members that would be pruned by a guild prune operation.

A channel shown in the GuildWelcomeScreen.

Information relating to a guild’s welcome screen.

A Guild widget.

Various information about integrations.

Integration account object.

Integration application object.

Information about a member of a guild.

A helper class returned by GuildId::members_iter

Partial information about a Guild. This does not include information like member data.

A partial amount of data for a member.

Information about a role within a guild. A role represents a set of permissions, and can be attached to one or multiple users. A role has various miscellaneous configurations, such as being assigned a colour. Roles are unique per guild and do not cross over to other guilds in any way, and can have channel-specific permission overrides in addition to guild-level permissions.

The tags of a Role.

Information about a guild scheduled event.

Describes a system channel flags.

Describes extra features of the message.

Data for an unavailable guild.


Default message notification level for a guild.

Setting used to filter explicit messages from members.

A container for guilds.

The behavior once the integration expires.

Multi-Factor Authentication level for guild moderators.

The Guild nsfw level.

The guild’s premium tier, depends on the amount of users boosting the guild currently

RoleParseErrorcache and model and utils

The level to set as criteria prior to a user being able to send messages in a Guild.