Available on crate feature utils only.
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A set of utilities to help with common use cases that are not required to fully use the library.


Colour constants used by Discord for their branding, role colour palette, etc.

Utilities to parse and validate Discord tokens.


A utility struct to help with working with the basic representation of a colour. This is particularly useful when working with a Role’s colour, as the API works with an integer value instead of an RGB value.

Describes formatting on string content

Struct that allows to alter content_safe’s behaviour.

A builder for constructing a personal Message instance. This can be useful for emitting a manual dispatch to the framework, but you don’t have a message in hand, or just have a fragment of its data.

The Message Builder is an ergonomic utility to easily build a message, by adding text and mentioning mentionable structs.


Error that can be returned from ChannelCategory::convert.

Formatting modifiers for MessageBuilder content pushes

Error that can be returned from Emoji::convert.

Error that can be returned from GuildChannel::convert.

Error that can be returned from Guild::convert.

Error that can be returned from Member::convert.

Error that can be returned from Message::convert.

Error that can be returned from User::convert.


Parse a value from a string in context of a received message.

A trait with additional functionality over the MessageBuilder for creating content with additional functionality available only in embeds.


Transforms role, channel, user, @everyone and @here mentions into raw text by using the Cache and the users passed in with users.

Retrieves an Id from a channel mention.

Retrieves the animated state, name and Id from an emoji mention, in the form of an EmojiIdentifier.

Retrieves the “code” part of an invite out of a URL.

Retrieves IDs from “{channel ID}-{message ID}” (retrieved by shift-clicking on “Copy ID”).

Retrieves guild, channel, and message ID from a message URL.

Turns a string into a vector of string arguments, splitting by spaces, but parsing content within quotes as one individual argument.

Retrieves an Id from a role mention.

Verifies that the token adheres to the Discord token format and extracts the bot user ID and the token generation unix timestamp.

Retrieves the username and discriminator out of a user tag (name#discrim).

Retrieves an Id from a user mention.

Parses the id and token from a webhook url. Expects a url::Url object rather than a &str.

Reads an image from a path and encodes it into base64.

Calculates the Id of the shard responsible for a guild, given its Id and total number of shards used.

Validates that a token is likely in a valid format.

Type Definitions