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A set of builders used to make using methods on certain structs simpler to use.

These are used when not all parameters are required, all parameters are optional, and/or sane default values for required parameters can be applied by a builder.


A builder for creating an ActionRow.

A builder to manage the allowed mentions on a message, used by the ChannelId::send_message method.

A builder for creating a new ApplicationCommand.

A builder for constructing an invite link with custom OAuth2 scopes.

A builder for creating a Button.

A builder for creating a new GuildChannel in a Guild.

A builder for creating several ActionRows.

A builder to create a fake Embed object, for use with the ChannelId::send_message and ExecuteWebhook::embeds methods.

A builder to create a fake Embed object’s author, for use with the CreateEmbed::author method.

A builder to create a fake Embed object’s footer, for use with the CreateEmbed::footer method.

A builder to create a RichInvite for use via GuildChannel::create_invite.

A builder to specify the contents of an Http::send_message request, primarily meant for use through ChannelId::send_message.

A builder for creating a SelectMenu.

A builder for creating a SelectMenuOption.

A builder for creating several SelectMenuOption.

A builder to edit a GuildChannel for use via GuildChannel::edit

A builder to optionally edit certain fields of a Guild. This is meant for usage with Guild::edit.

A builder to specify the fields to edit in a GuildWelcomeScreen.

A builder to specify the fields to edit in a GuildWidget.

A builder which edits the properties of a Member, to be used in conjunction with Member::edit.

A builder to specify the fields to edit in an existing message.

A builder to edit the current user’s settings, to be used in conjunction with CurrentUser::edit.

A builder to create or edit a Role for use via a number of model methods.

A builder which edits a user’s voice state, to be used in conjunction with GuildChannel::edit_voice_state.

A builder to specify the fields to edit in an existing Webhook’s message.

A builder to create the inner content of a Webhook’s execution.

Builds a request to the API to retrieve messages.
