[][src]Module serde_with::guide::serde_as

serde_as Annotation

This is an alternative to serde's with-annotation. It is more flexible and composable but work with fewer types.

The scheme is based on two new traits, SerializeAs and DeserializeAs, which need to be implemented by all types which want to be compatible with serde_as. The proc macro attribute #[serde_as] exists as a usability boost for users.

This site contains some general advice how to use this crate and then lists the implemented conversions for serde_as. The basic design of the system was done by @markazmierczak.

  1. Switching from serde's with to serde_as
    1. Deserializing Optional Fields
    2. Implementing SerializeAs / DeserializeAs
    3. Using serde_as in a procedural macro
  2. De/Serialize Implementations Available
    1. Bytes / Vec<u8> to hex string
    2. Default from null
    3. De/Serialize with FromStr and Display
    4. Duration as seconds
    5. Ignore deserialization errors
    6. Maps to Vec of tuples
    7. NaiveDateTime like UTC timestamp
    8. None as empty String
    9. Timestamps as seconds since UNIX epoch
    10. Value into JSON String
    11. Vec of tuples to Maps

Switching from serde's with to serde_as

For the user the main difference is that instead of

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#[serde(with = "...")]

you now have to write

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#[serde_as(as = "...")]

and place the #[serde_as] attribute before the #[derive] attribute. You still need the #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] on the struct/enum.

All together this looks like:

use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_with::{serde_as, DisplayFromStr};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct A {
    #[serde_as(as = "DisplayFromStr")]
    mime: mime::Mime,

The main advantage is that you can compose serde_as stuff, which is not possible with the with-annotation. For example, the mime field from above could be nested in one or more data structures:

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct A {
    #[serde_as(as = "Option<BTreeMap<_, Vec<DisplayFromStr>>>")]
    mime: Option<BTreeMap<String, Vec<mime::Mime>>>,

Deserializing Optional Fields

During deserialization serde treats fields of Option<T> as optional and does not require them to be present. This breaks when adding either the serde_as annotation or serde's with annotation. The default behavior can be restored by adding serde's default attribute.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct A {
    #[serde_as(as = "Option<DisplayFromStr>")]
    // Allows deserialization without providing a value for `val`
    val: Option<u32>,

In the future this behavior might change and default would be applied on Option<T> fields. You can add your feedback at serde_with#185.

Implementing SerializeAs / DeserializeAs

You can support SerializeAs / DeserializeAs on your own types too. Most "leaf" types do not need to implement these traits since they are supported implicitly. "Leaf" type refers to types which directly serialize like plain data types. SerializeAs / DeserializeAs is very important for collection types, like Vec or BTreeMap, since they need special handling for they key/value de/serialization such that the conversions can be done on the key/values. You also find them implemented on the conversion types, such as the DisplayFromStr type. These make up the bulk of this crate and allow you to perform all the nice conversions to hex strings, the bytes to string converter, or duration to UNIX epoch.

Re-exporting serde_as

If serde_as is being used in a context where the serde_with crate is not available from the root path, but is re-exported at some other path, the crate = "..." attribute argument should be used to specify its path. This may be the case if serde_as is being used in a procedural macro - otherwise, users of that macro would need to add serde_with to their own Cargo manifest.

The crate argument will generally be used in conjunction with serde's own crate argument.

For example, a type definition may be defined in a procedural macro:

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// some_other_lib_derive/src/lib.rs

use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;

pub fn define_some_type(_item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let def = quote! {
        #[serde(crate = "::some_other_lib::serde")]
        #[::some_other_lib::serde_with::serde_as(crate = "::some_other_lib::serde_with")]
        struct Data {
            #[serde_as(as = "_")]
            a: u32,


This can be re-exported through a library which also re-exports serde and serde_with:

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// some_other_lib/src/lib.rs

pub use serde;
pub use serde_with;
pub use some_other_lib_derive::define_some_type;

And the procedural macro can be used by other crates without any additional imports:

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// consuming_crate/src/main.rs


De/Serialize Implementations Available

Bytes / Vec<u8> to hex string


Requires the hex feature.

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// Rust
#[serde_as(as = "serde_with::hex::Hex")]
value: Vec<u8>,

"value": "deadbeef",

Default from null


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// Rust
#[serde_as(as = "DefaultOnNull")]
value: u32,
#[serde_as(as = "DefaultOnNull<DisplayFromStr>")]
value2: u32,

"value": 123,
"value2": "999",

// Deserializes null into the Default value, i.e.,
null => 0

De/Serialize with FromStr and Display

Useful if a type implements FromStr / Display but not Deserialize / Serialize.


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// Rust
#[serde_as(as = "serde_with::DisplayFromStr")]
value: u128,
#[serde_as(as = "serde_with::DisplayFromStr")]
mime: mime::Mime,

"value": "340282366920938463463374607431768211455",
"mime": "text/*",

Duration as seconds


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// Rust
#[serde_as(as = "serde_with::DurationSeconds<u64>")]
value: Duration,

"value": 86400,

DurationSecondsWithFrac supports subsecond precision:

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// Rust
#[serde_as(as = "serde_with::DurationSecondsWithFrac<f64>")]
value: Duration,

"value": 1.234,

Different serialization formats are possible:

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// Rust
#[serde_as(as = "serde_with::DurationSecondsWithFrac<String>")]
value: Duration,

"value": "1.234",

The same conversions are also implemented for chrono::Duration with the chrono feature.

Ignore deserialization errors

Check the documentation for DefaultOnError.

Maps to Vec of tuples

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// Rust
#[serde_as(as = "Vec<(_, _)>")]
value: HashMap<String, u32>, // also works with BTreeMap

"value": [
    ["hello", 1],
    ["world", 2]

The inverse operation is also available.

NaiveDateTime like UTC timestamp

Requires the chrono feature.

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// Rust
#[serde_as(as = "chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>")]
value: chrono::NaiveDateTime,

"value": "1994-11-05T08:15:30Z",
                             ^ Pretend DateTime is UTC

None as empty String


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// Rust
#[serde_as(as = "serde_with::NoneAsEmptyString")]
value: Option<String>,

"value": "", // converts to None

"value": "Hello World!", // converts to Some

Timestamps as seconds since UNIX epoch


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// Rust
#[serde_as(as = "serde_with::TimestampSeconds<i64>")]
value: SystemTime,

"value": 86400,

[TimestampSecondsWithFrac] supports subsecond precision:

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// Rust
#[serde_as(as = "serde_with::TimestampSecondsWithFrac<f64>")]
value: SystemTime,

"value": 1.234,

Different serialization formats are possible:

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// Rust
#[serde_as(as = "serde_with::TimestampSecondsWithFrac<String>")]
value: SystemTime,

"value": "1.234",

The same conversions are also implemented for chrono::DateTime<Utc> and chrono::DateTime<Local> with the chrono feature.

Value into JSON String

Some JSON APIs are weird and return a JSON encoded string in a JSON response


Requires the json feature.

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// Rust
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct OtherStruct {
    value: usize,

#[serde_as(as = "serde_with::json::JsonString")]
value: OtherStruct,

"value": "{\"value\":5}",

Vec of tuples to Maps

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// Rust
#[serde_as(as = "HashMap<_, _>")] // also works with BTreeMap
value: Vec<String, u32>,

"value": {
    "hello": 1,
    "world": 2

The inverse operation is also available.