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Spaniel Interactive Deserialiser

This crate is a Rust library which uses the Serde serialisation framework to capture data interactively from users.


Serde deserialiser.

Traits and decorators for working with prompts.

Prompt based on the RustyLine crate.

Serde serialiser.

Prompt based on std::io.


This type represents errors that may occur.

This type represents actions a user may take while interacting with the deserialiser.


Deserialise a value of type T from a prompt using the bare deserialiser.

Deserialise a value of type T from a prompt using the bare deserialiser followed by confirmation.

Deserialise an instance of type T from the console.

Deserialise a value of type T from a prompt while handling undos, restarts, meta-commands, and scope compacting.

Deserialise a value of type T from a prompt while handling undos and restarts.

Serialise an instance of type T to a prompt using the bare serialiser.

Serialise an instance of type T to a prompt while handling meta-commands and scope compacting.

Type Definitions