pub fn from_row_with_columns<D: DeserializeOwned>(
    row: &Row<'_>,
    columns: &[String]
) -> Result<D>
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Deserializes any instance of D: serde::Deserialize from rusqlite::Row with specified columns

Use this function over from_row() to avoid allocation and overhead for fetching column names. To get columns names you can use columns_from_statement().

You should use this function in the closure you supply to query_map().

Note: columns is a slice of owned Strings to be type compatible with what columns_from_statement() returns. Most of the time the result of that function will be used as the argument so it makes little sense to accept something like &[impl AsRef<str>] here. It will only make usage of the API less ergonomic. E.g. There will be 2 generic type arguments to the from_row_with_columns() instead of one.