Function serde_magnus::serialize

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pub fn serialize<Input, Output>(input: &Input) -> Result<Output, Error>
where Input: Serialize + ?Sized, Output: TryConvert,
Expand description

Serialize Rust data to a Ruby Value.

Primitive types are converted as follows:

Rust typeRuby value
booltrue or false
i8, i16, i32, i64An Integer
u8, u16, u32, u64An Integer
f32 or f64A Float
charA String with UTF-8 encoding
&strA String with UTF-8 encoding
StringA String with UTF-8 encoding
&[u8]A String with ASCII-8BIT encoding
use magnus::{eval, Value};
use serde_magnus::serialize;

let output: Value = serialize(&1234)?;
assert!(eval!("output == 1234", output)?);

let output: Value = serialize("Hello, world!")?;
assert!(eval!("output == 'Hello, world!'", output)?);


None is converted to nil. Some is unwrapped.

let input: Option<u64> = None;
let output: Value = serialize(&input)?;
assert!(eval!("output == nil", output)?);

let input: Option<u64> = Some(1234);
let output: Value = serialize(&input)?;
assert!(eval!("output == 1234", output)?);


A Result is converted to a Hash with one key, "Ok" or "Err".

let input: Result<u64, &str> = Ok(1234);
let output: Value = serialize(&input)?;
assert!(eval!("output == { 'Ok' => 1234 }", output)?);

let input: Result<u64, &str> = Err("something went wrong");
let output: Value = serialize(&input)?;
assert!(eval!("output == { 'Err' => 'something went wrong' }", output)?);


A unit struct is converted to nil.

use serde::Serialize;

struct Foo;

let output: Value = serialize(&Foo)?;
assert!(eval!("output == nil", output)?);

A newtype struct is unwrapped.

struct Foo(u16);

let input = Foo(1234);
let output: Value = serialize(&input)?;
assert!(eval!("output == 1234", output)?);

A tuple struct is converted to an Array of its fields.

struct Foo<'a>(u16, bool, &'a str);

let input = Foo(1234, false, "Hello, world!");
let output: Value = serialize(&input)?;
assert!(eval!("output == [1234, false, 'Hello, world!']", output)?);

A struct with named fields is converted to a Hash with symbol keys.

struct Foo<'a> {
    bar: u16,
    baz: bool,
    glorp: &'a str

let input = Foo { bar: 1234, baz: false, glorp: "Hello, world!" };
let output: Value = serialize(&input)?;
    output == {
      bar: 1234,
      baz: false,
      glorp: "Hello, world!"


enum Foo<'a> {
    Glorp(u16, bool, &'a str),
    Quux {
        frob: u16,
        wally: bool,
        plugh: &'a str

A unit enum variant is converted to the name of the variant as a String.

let output: Value = serialize(&Foo::Bar)?;
assert!(eval!("output == 'Bar'", output)?);

All other types of enum variants are converted to a Hash with one key: the name of the variant as a String.

For a newtype enum variant, the value keyed by the variant’s name is its unwrapped value.

let input = Foo::Baz(1234);
let output: Value = serialize(&input)?;
assert!(eval!("output == { 'Baz' => 1234 }", output)?);

For a tuple enum variant, the value keyed by the variant’s name is an Array.

let input = Foo::Glorp(1234, false, "Hello, world!");
let output: Value = serialize(&input)?;
assert!(eval!("output == { 'Glorp' => [1234, false, 'Hello, world!'] }", output)?);

For a struct enum variant, the value keyed by the variant name is a Hash with Symbol keys.

let input = Foo::Quux { frob: 1234, wally: false, plugh: "Hello, world!" };
let output: Value = serialize(&input)?;
    output == {
      "Quux" => {
        frob: 1234,
        wally: false,
        plugh: "Hello, world!"

§Compound types

A compound type such as a tuple (T1, T2, T3, ...), array [T; N], or slice [T] is converted to an Array.

let input = (123, false, "Hello, world!");
let output: Value = serialize(&input)?;
assert!(eval!("output == [123, false, 'Hello, world!']", output)?);

let input = [123, 456, 789];
let output: Value = serialize(&input)?;
assert!(eval!("output == [123, 456, 789]", output)?);


A sequence such as a Vec, LinkedList, or HashSet is converted to an Array.

let input = vec![123, 456, 789];
let output: Value = serialize(&input)?;
assert!(eval!("output == [123, 456, 789]", output)?);

A map such as a HashMap or BTreeMap is converted to a Hash.

use std::collections::HashMap;

let mut input = HashMap::new();
input.insert("yes", "no");
input.insert("stop", "go");
input.insert("high", "low");
input.insert("goodbye", "hello");

let output: Value = serialize(&input)?;
    output == {
      "yes"     => "no",
      "stop"    => "go",
      "high"    => "low",
      "goodbye" => "hello"