[][src]Module serde_strz::emp

A (de)serializer for anything that has implemented FromStr / Display (as ToString) but does not have Serialize/Deserialize, and is wrapped in an Option type, and may be represented as an empty string.


use std::net::IpAddr;

/// A structure with an optional IP address.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct WithIp {
	#[serde(with = "serde_strz::emp")]
	ip: Option<IpAddr>,

use serde_json::{
let with_ip: WithIp = from_str(r#"{"ip": ""}"#)?;
assert_eq!(with_ip, WithIp { ip: Some([127, 0, 0, 1].into()) });
assert_eq!(to_string(&with_ip)?, r#"{"ip":""}"#);
let with_ip: WithIp = from_str(r#"{"ip": ""}"#)?;
assert_eq!(with_ip, WithIp { ip: None });
assert_eq!(to_string(&with_ip)?, r#"{"ip":""}"#);

Combined with #[serde(default)], it allows fields to be omitted from input entirely.

/// A structure with an optional IP address that might not exist in the input.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct WithIp {
	#[serde(with = "serde_strz::emp", default)]
	ip: Option<IpAddr>,

let with_ip: WithIp = from_str("{}")?;
assert_eq!(with_ip, WithIp { ip: None });
assert_eq!(to_string(&with_ip)?, r#"{"ip":""}"#);

let with_ip_some: WithIp = from_str(r#"{"ip": ""}"#)?;
assert_eq!(with_ip_some, WithIp { ip: Some([127, 0, 0, 1].into()) });
assert_eq!(to_string(&with_ip_some)?, r#"{"ip":""}"#);

Excess output can be avoided with skip_serializing_if

/// A structure with an optional IP address that might not exist in the input, and won't exist
/// in the output if it's empty.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct WithIp {
	#[serde(with = "serde_strz::emp", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
	ip: Option<IpAddr>,

let with_ip_empty: WithIp = from_str(r#"{"ip": ""}"#)?;
assert_eq!(with_ip_empty, WithIp { ip: None });
assert_eq!(to_string(&with_ip_empty)?, "{}");

Consistently inconsistent input can be normalized by combining skip_serializing_if and default.

/// A structure with an optional IP address that might not exist in the input, and won't exist
/// in the output if it's empty.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct WithIp {
	#[serde(default, with = "serde_strz::emp", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
	ip: Option<IpAddr>,

let with_ip_empty: WithIp = from_str(r#"{"ip": ""}"#)?;
assert_eq!(with_ip_empty, WithIp { ip: None });
assert_eq!(to_string(&with_ip_empty)?, "{}");

let with_ip_empty: WithIp = from_str(r#"{}"#)?;
assert_eq!(with_ip_empty, WithIp { ip: None });
assert_eq!(to_string(&with_ip_empty)?, "{}");



Deserialize function, see mod docs examples to see how to use it


Serialize function, see mod docs examples to see how to use it