
A physical or virtual address, or a range of addresses, in an ‘addressable region’ (memory or a binary file).

Builder for Address.

A single artifact. In some cases, this artifact might be nested within another artifact.

A change to a single artifact.

Represents the contents of an artifact.

Specifies the location of an artifact.

An artifact relevant to a result.

A set of threadFlows which together describe a pattern of code execution relevant to detecting a result.

Information about how a specific rule or notification was reconfigured at runtime.

Describes how a converter transformed the output of a static analysis tool from the analysis tool’s native output format into the SARIF format.

Represents a directed edge in a graph.

Builder for Edge.

Represents the traversal of a single edge during a graph traversal.

Describes a runtime exception encountered during the execution of an analysis tool.

The top-level element of an external property file.

Contains information that enables a SARIF consumer to locate the external property file that contains the value of an externalized property associated with the run.

References to external property files that should be inlined with the content of a root log file.

A proposed fix for the problem represented by a result object. A fix specifies a set of artifacts to modify. For each artifact, it specifies a set of bytes to remove, and provides a set of new bytes to replace them.

Builder for Fix.

A network of nodes and directed edges that describes some aspect of the structure of the code (for example, a call graph).

Builder for Graph.

Represents a path through a graph.

The runtime environment of the analysis tool run.

A location within a programming artifact.

Information about the relation of one location to another.

A logical location of a construct that produced a result.

Encapsulates a message intended to be read by the end user.

Builder for Message.

A message string or message format string rendered in multiple formats.

Represents a node in a graph.

Builder for Node.

Describes a condition relevant to the tool itself, as opposed to being relevant to a target being analyzed by the tool.

A physical location relevant to a result. Specifies a reference to a programming artifact together with a range of bytes or characters within that artifact.

Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the object.

An area within an image.

A region within an artifact where a result was detected.

Builder for Region.

The replacement of a single region of an artifact.

Information about a rule or notification that can be configured at runtime.

Metadata that describes a specific report produced by the tool, as part of the analysis it provides or its runtime reporting.

Information about how to locate a relevant reporting descriptor.

Information about the relation of one reporting descriptor to another.

A result produced by an analysis tool.

Builder for Result.

Contains information about how and when a result was detected.

Describes a single run of an analysis tool, and contains the reported output of that run.

Information that describes a run’s identity and role within an engineering system process.

Builder for Run.

Builder for Sarif.

Defines locations of special significance to SARIF consumers.

A call stack that is relevant to a result.

Builder for Stack.

A function call within a stack trace.

A suppression that is relevant to a result.

Describes a sequence of code locations that specify a path through a single thread of execution such as an operating system or fiber.

A location visited by an analysis tool while simulating or monitoring the execution of a program.

The analysis tool that was run.

Builder for Tool.

A component, such as a plug-in or the driver, of the analysis tool that was run.

Identifies a particular toolComponent object, either the driver or an extension.

Provides additional metadata related to translation.

Specifies the information necessary to retrieve a desired revision from a version control system.

Describes an HTTP request.

Describes the response to an HTTP request.


Error type for AddressBuilder

Error type for ArtifactBuilder

Error type for ArtifactChangeBuilder

Error type for ArtifactContentBuilder

Error type for ArtifactLocationBuilder

The role or roles played by the artifact in the analysis.

Error type for AttachmentBuilder

Error type for CodeFlowBuilder

Error type for ConfigurationOverrideBuilder

Error type for ConversionBuilder

Error type for EdgeBuilder

Error type for EdgeTraversalBuilder

Error type for ExceptionBuilder

Error type for ExternalPropertiesBuilder

The SARIF format version of this external properties object.

Error type for ExternalPropertyFileReferenceBuilder

Error type for ExternalPropertyFileReferencesBuilder

Error type for FixBuilder

Error type for GraphBuilder

Error type for GraphTraversalBuilder

Error type for InvocationBuilder

Error type for LocationBuilder

Error type for LocationRelationshipBuilder

Error type for LogicalLocationBuilder

Error type for MessageBuilder

Error type for MultiformatMessageStringBuilder

Error type for NodeBuilder

Error type for NotificationBuilder

A value specifying the severity level of the result.

Error type for PhysicalLocationBuilder

Error type for PropertyBagBuilder

Error type for RectangleBuilder

Error type for RegionBuilder

Error type for ReplacementBuilder

Error type for ReportingConfigurationBuilder

Specifies the failure level for the report.

Error type for ReportingDescriptorBuilder

Error type for ReportingDescriptorReferenceBuilder

Error type for ReportingDescriptorRelationshipBuilder

The state of a result relative to a baseline of a previous run.

Error type for ResultBuilder

Specifies the unit in which the tool measures columns.

A value that categorizes results by evaluation state.

A value specifying the severity level of the result.

Error type for ResultProvenanceBuilder

Error type for RunAutomationDetailsBuilder

Error type for RunBuilder

Error type for SarifBuilder

Error type for SpecialLocationsBuilder

Error type for StackBuilder

Error type for StackFrameBuilder

Error type for SuppressionBuilder

A string that indicates where the suppression is persisted.

A string that indicates the review status of the suppression.

Error type for ThreadFlowBuilder

Error type for ThreadFlowLocationBuilder

Specifies the importance of this location in understanding the code flow in which it occurs. The order from most to least important is “essential”, “important”, “unimportant”. Default: “important”.

Error type for ToolBuilder

Error type for ToolComponentBuilder

The kinds of data contained in this object.

Error type for ToolComponentReferenceBuilder

Error type for TranslationMetadataBuilder

The SARIF format version of this log file.

Error type for VersionControlDetailsBuilder

Error type for WebRequestBuilder

Error type for WebResponseBuilder