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§Stream Sequence Watcher
Includes a pair of structures, SequenceWatcher and SequenceWatchers. They monitor a stream of data looking for a specific sequence of values.
The original purpose for this crate was to monitor bytes of data recieved from stdin for a specific sequence that indicated that the input thread should shut down. Originally, only a single sequence was monitored for, but I added a simple way to look for multiple sequences simultaneously.
§Intended Behavior and Limitations
- SequenceWatcher and SequenceWatchers both continue monitoring the stream after a check returns true. For example, looking for the sequence (A, A), would return false, true, true when given the input (A, A, A).
use seq_watcher::SequenceWatchers;
let test_stream = vec![
('A', false),
('A', false),
('A', true), // Matches AAA
('A', true), // Matches AAA
('B', false),
('A', true), // Matches ABA
('B', false),
('A', true), // Matches ABA
('A', false),
('A', true), // Matches AAA
('C', true), // Matches C
let watchers = SequenceWatchers::new(&[&['A', 'A', 'A'], &['A', 'B', 'A'], &['C']]);
for (ch, expect) in test_stream {
assert_eq!(watchers.check(&ch), expect);
SequenceWatcher and SequenceWatchers that are given empty sequences always return false.
let mut watcher = SequenceWatchers::new(&[]); // Create empty watchers.
let mut watchers = SequenceWatchers::new(&[]); // Create empty watchers.
let mut all_bytes = Vec::with_capacity(256);
for b in 0..=u8::MAX {
assert_eq!(watcher.check(&b), false); // With no sequence, all checks are false.
assert_eq!(watchers.check(&b), false); // With no sequences, all checks are false.
all_bytes.push(b); // Generate sequence with all bytes.
watchers.add(&[]); // Add of empty sequence does nothing.
watchers.add(&all_bytes); // Add sequuence with all bytes.
for b in 0..u8::MAX {
assert_eq!(watchers.check(&b), false); // Until sequence recieves the last byte, false.
assert_eq!(watchers.check(&u8::MAX), true); // With last byte in sequence, returns true.
- Datatypes compatible are slightly more restrictive for SequenceWatchers than for SequenceWatcher. SequenceWatchers requires the datatype to be Eq, wheras SequenceWatcher only needs PartialEq.
Float types are PartialEq but not Eq.
let watchers = SequenceWatchers::new(&[0.0]); // Float values are not Eq
let watcher = SequenceWatcher::new(&[0.0]); // Float values are PartialEq.
The SequenceWatcher structure is resonably performant, but the SequenceWatchers structure needs work. SequenceWatchers is currently implemented as a HashMap of SequenceWatcher structures, but it would be better implemented with some sort of multi-state-aware trie. SequenceWatchers was created as an afterthought, since I mainly needed the SequenceWatcher for another project.
- Monitors a stream of data for a sequence.
- Monitors a stream of data for multiple sequences of data items.