Expand description


selene_helius_sdk is a async library for the Helius SDK

use color_eyre::Result;
use selene_helius_sdk::api::das::GetAssetsByOwnerParams;
use selene_helius_sdk::HeliusBuilder;

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
  let api_key = std::env::var("HELIUS_API_KEY").expect("env HELIUS_API_KEY is not defined!");
  let helius = HeliusBuilder::new(&api_key).build()?;
  let result = helius
   .get_assets_by_owner(&GetAssetsByOwnerParams {
      owner_address: "86xCnPeV69n6t3DnyGvkKobf9FdN2H9oiVDdaMpo2MMY".to_string(),

  println!("total: {}", result.total);
  for asset in result.items {
    println!("{}", asset.id);


Note the package needs to be configured with your account’s API key, which is available in the Helius Dashboard.

See HeliusBuilder for other option such as timeouts and providing your own http client




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