Macro selectme::select

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macro_rules! select {
    ($($tt:tt)*) => { ... };
Expand description

Waits on multiple concurrent branches, returning when the first branch completes, cancelling the remaining branches.

The select! macro must be used inside of async functions, closures, and blocks.

The select! macro accepts one or more branches with the following pattern:

<pattern> = <async expression> (if <precondition>)? => <handler>,

Additionally, the select! macro may include a single, optional else branch, which evaluates if none of the other branches match their patterns:

else => <expression>

The macro aggregates all <async expression> expressions and runs them concurrently on the current task. Once the first expression completes with a value that matches its <pattern>, the select! macro returns the result of evaluating the completed branch’s <handler> expression.

Additionally, each branch may include an optional if precondition. If the precondition returns false, then the branch is disabled. The provided <async expression> is still evaluated but the resulting future is never polled. This capability is useful when using select! within a loop.

The complete lifecycle of a select! expression is as follows:

  1. Evaluate all provided <precondition> expressions. If the precondition returns false, disable the branch for the remainder of the current call to select!. Re-entering select! due to a loop clears the “disabled” state.
  2. Aggregate the <async expression>s from each branch, excluding the disabled ones. If the branch is disabled, <async expression> is not evaluated.
  3. Concurrently await on the results for all remaining <async expression>s.
  4. Once an <async expression> returns a value, attempt to apply the value to the provided <pattern> if the pattern matches, evaluate <handler> and return. If the pattern does not match, disable the current branch and for the remainder of the current call to select!. Continue from step 3.
  5. If all branches are disabled, evaluate the else expression. If no else branch is provided, panic.

Runtime characteristics

By running all async expressions on the current task, the expressions are able to run concurrently but not in parallel. This means all expressions are run on the same thread and if one branch blocks the thread, all other expressions will be unable to continue. If parallelism is required, spawn each async expression using tokio::spawn and pass the join handle to select!.

Cancellation safety

When using select! in a loop to receive messages from multiple sources, you should make sure that the receive call is cancellation safe to avoid losing messages. This section goes through various common methods and describes whether they are cancel safe. The lists in this section are not exhaustive.


Basic select with two branches.

async fn do_stuff_async() {
    // async work

async fn more_async_work() {
    // more here

selectme::select! {
    _ = do_stuff_async() => {
        println!("do_stuff_async() completed first")
    _ = more_async_work() => {
        println!("more_async_work() completed first")

Basic stream selecting.

use tokio_stream::{self as stream, StreamExt};

let mut stream1 = stream::iter(vec![1, 2, 3]);
let mut stream2 = stream::iter(vec![4, 5, 6]);

let next = selectme::select! {
    Some(v) = => v,
    Some(v) = => v,

assert!(next == 1 || next == 4);

Collect the contents of two streams. In this example, we rely on pattern matching and the fact that stream::iter is “fused”, i.e. once the stream is complete, all calls to next() return None.

use tokio_stream::{self as stream, StreamExt};

let mut stream1 = stream::iter(vec![1, 2, 3]);
let mut stream2 = stream::iter(vec![4, 5, 6]);

let mut values = vec![];

loop {
    selectme::select! {
        Some(v) = => values.push(v),
        Some(v) = => values.push(v),
        else => break,

assert_eq!(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], &values[..]);

Using the same future in multiple select! expressions can be done by passing a reference to the future. Doing so requires the future to be Unpin. A future can be made Unpin by either using Box::pin or stack pinning.

Here, a stream is consumed for at most 1 second.

use tokio_stream::{self as stream, StreamExt};
use tokio::time::{self, Duration};

let mut stream = stream::iter(vec![1, 2, 3]);
let sleep = time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1));

loop {
    selectme::select! {
        maybe_v = => {
            if let Some(v) = maybe_v {
                println!("got = {}", v);
            } else {
        _ = &mut sleep => {

Joining two values using select!.

use tokio::sync::oneshot;

let (tx1, mut rx1) = oneshot::channel();
let (tx2, mut rx2) = oneshot::channel();

tokio::spawn(async move {

tokio::spawn(async move {

let mut a = None;
let mut b = None;

while a.is_none() || b.is_none() {
    selectme::select! {
        v1 = (&mut rx1) if a.is_none() => a = Some(v1.unwrap()),
        v2 = (&mut rx2) if b.is_none() => b = Some(v2.unwrap()),

let res = (a.unwrap(), b.unwrap());

assert_eq!(res.0, "first");
assert_eq!(res.1, "second");

Showing how select! has a deterministic order by default. This is known as the biased option in Tokio.

let mut count = 0u8;

loop {
    selectme::select! {

        _ = async {} if count < 1 => {
            count += 1;
            assert_eq!(count, 1);
        _ = async {} if count < 2 => {
            count += 1;
            assert_eq!(count, 2);
        _ = async {} if count < 3 => {
            count += 1;
            assert_eq!(count, 3);
        _ = async {} if count < 4 => {
            count += 1;
            assert_eq!(count, 4);

        else => {

Avoid racy if preconditions

Given that if preconditions are used to disable select! branches, some caution must be used to avoid missing values.

For example, here is incorrect usage of sleep with if. The objective is to repeatedly run an asynchronous task for up to 50 milliseconds. However, there is a potential for the sleep completion to be missed.

use tokio::time::{self, Duration};

async fn some_async_work() {
    // do work

let sleep = time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(50));

while !sleep.is_elapsed() {
    selectme::select! {
        _ = &mut sleep if !sleep.is_elapsed() => {
            println!("operation timed out");
        _ = some_async_work() => {
            println!("operation completed");

panic!("This example shows how not to do it!");

In the above example, sleep.is_elapsed() may return true even if sleep.poll() never returned Ready. This opens up a potential race condition where sleep expires between the while !sleep.is_elapsed() check and the call to select! resulting in the some_async_work() call to run uninterrupted despite the sleep having elapsed.

One way to write the above example without the race would be:

use tokio::time::{self, Duration};

async fn some_async_work() {
    // do work

let sleep = time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(50));

loop {
    selectme::select! {
        _ = &mut sleep => {
            println!("operation timed out");
        _ = some_async_work() => {
            println!("operation completed");