Crate sei_cosmwasm

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DexTwapsResponse is data format returned from DexTwaps query
EpochResponse is data format returned from Epoch query
ExchangeRatesResponse is data format returned from OracleRequest::ExchangeRates query
GetLatestPriceResponse is data format returned from GetLatestPrice query
GetOrderdByIdResponse is data format returned from GetOrderById query
GetOrdersResponse is data format returned from GetOrders query
OracleTwapsResponse is data format returned from OracleRequest::OracleTwaps query
OrderSimulationResponse is data format returned from OrderSimulation query
PriceResponse is data format for a price of an asset pair
This is a helper wrapper to easily use our custom queries
SeiQueryWrapper is an override of QueryRequest::Custom to access Sei-specific modules


SeiQuery is defines available query datas
SeiRoute is enum type to represent sei query route path