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Support to search for items in a keychain.


Builder-pattern struct for specifying options for add_item (SecAddItem wrapper).
Specifies the type of items to search for.
A builder type to search for items in keychains.
Specifies the type of keys to search for.


Type of Ref to add to the keychain.
Value of an item to add to the keychain.
Specifies the number of results returned by a search
Which keychain to add an item to.
An enum including all objects whose references can be returned from a search. Note that generic Keychain Items, such as passwords and preferences, do not have specific object types; they are modeled using dictionaries and so are available directly as search results in variant SearchResult::Dict.
An individual search result.


Translates to SecItemAdd. Use ItemAddOptions to build an add_params CFDictionary.