Crate seaplane_cli

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pub use crate::cli::Seaplane;
pub use crate::config::RawConfig;
pub use crate::context::Ctx;
pub use crate::error::Result;
pub use crate::log::LogLevel;
pub use crate::printer::OutputFormat;


Wrapping seaplane SDK calls with things like CLI specific contexts, errors, etc.
Config handles loading of, and updating the Context from, a configuration file.
Context describes the normalized and processed “settings” that a command can use at runtime. This differs from the “config” or the “CLI Arguments” as the Context is built and updated from those sources. This means the context is responsible for de-conflicting mutually exclusive options, or overriding values.
This module provides types that wrap the API endpoint models and add additional fields/context that is only relevant for the CLI or purposes of consuming the API.


Makes declaring consistent arguments less verbose and less tedious.