initSidebarItems({"enum":[["FontError","A font-related error."],["Hinting","Information about the hinting of a font. See wikipedia"]],"fn":[["get_linked_version","Returns the version of the dynamically linked SDL_ttf library"],["has_been_initialized","Returns whether library has been initialized already."],["init","Initializes the truetype font API and returns a context manager which will clean up the library once it goes out of scope."]],"struct":[["Font","A loaded TTF font."],["FontStyle","The styling of a font."],["GlyphMetrics","Information about a specific glyph (character) in a font face."],["PartialRendering","A builder for a font rendering."],["Sdl2TtfContext","A context manager for SDL2_TTF to manage C code initialization and clean-up."]],"type":[["FontResult","The result of an SDL2_TTF font operation."]]});