initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Event","Different event types."],["EventType","Types of events that can be delivered."],["WindowEventId","An enum of window events."]],"fn":[["flush_event","Removes all events in the event queue that match the specified event type."],["flush_events","Removes all events in the event queue that match the specified type range."],["peek_events","Reads the events at the front of the event queue, until the maximum amount of events is read."],["push_event","Pushes an event to the event queue."]],"struct":[["EventPollIterator","An iterator that calls `EventPump::poll_event()`."],["EventPump","A thread-safe type that encapsulates SDL event-pumping functions."],["EventWaitIterator","An iterator that calls `EventPump::wait_event()`."],["EventWaitTimeoutIterator","An iterator that calls `EventPump::wait_event_timeout()`."]]});