initSidebarItems({"enum":[["HatState","This is represented in SDL2 as a bitfield but obviously not all combinations make sense: 5 for instance would mean up and down at the same time... To simplify things I turn it into an enum which is how the SDL2 docs present it anyway (using macros)."]],"fn":[["get_device_guid","Get the GUID for the joystick number `id`"],["get_event_state","Return `true` if joystick events are processed."],["name_for_index","Return the name of the joystick at index `id`"],["num_joysticks","Retreive the total number of attached joysticks *and* controllers identified by SDL."],["set_event_state","If state is `true` joystick events are processed, otherwise they're ignored."],["update","Force joystick update when not using the event loop"]],"struct":[["Guid","Wrapper around a SDL_JoystickGUID, a globally unique identifier for a joystick."],["Joystick","Wrapper around the SDL_Joystick object"]]});