[][src]Module screeps::inter_shard_memory

inter_shard_memory provides an interface for communciating between shards.

Quoted from https://docs.screeps.com/api/#InterShardMemory:

InterShardMemory object provides an interface for communicating between shards. Your script is executed separatedly on each shard, and their Memory objects are isolated from each other. In order to pass messages and data between shards, you need to use InterShardMemory instead.

Every shard can have its own data string that can be accessed by all other shards. A shard can write only to its own data, other shards' data is read-only.

This data has nothing to do with Memory contents, it's a separate data container.



Returns the string contents of the current shard's data.


Returns the string contents of another shard's data.


Replace the current shard's data with the new value.