[][src]Module screeps::memory

Interface with Screeps' Memory global variable

Screeps' memory lives in the javascript Memory global variable and is encoded as a javascript object. This object's reference is tracked within rust as a MemoryReference. The root function gives access to a reference to the Memory global object.


Contrary to accessing the memory in javascript, rust's strong type system, requires that read values be assigned a type. To facilitate this, the MemoryReference provides methods to read a part of the memory as a certain type. If the value read cannot be transformed to the requested type, the method return None.

Accessing the memory

Memory can be accessed in two ways:

  • via keys
  • via paths (methods prefixed with path_)

In both cases, if the value requested is undefined, null, or even just of the wrong type, the method returns None.

Accessing memory with a key

Since a MemoryReference represents a javascript object, its children can be accessed using the object["key"] javascript syntax using type methods.

let mem = screeps::memory::root();
let cpu_used_last_tick = mem.i32("cpu_used_last_tick").unwrap();

Accessing memory with a path

A quality of life improvement upon the key access is through full path. In javascript, it is possible to query a value with a full path:

var creep_time = Memory.creeps.John.time;

To emulate this behavior in rust, you can write such a path to a string and it will fetch the javascript object using lodash and convert the result depending on the method used. For example,

let mem = screeps::memory::root();
let creep_time = mem.path_i32("creeps.John.time").unwrap();

Other methods that provide MemoryReferences

In addition to accessing the memory from the root, it is possible to access the memory via creeps, spawns, rooms and flags. Accessing the memory from those objects will also result in a MemoryReference which instead points at the root of this object's memory.



A Reference to a screeps memory object




Get a reference to the Memory global object