Expand description

Sciter’s platform independent graphics interface.

Used in custom behaviors / event handlers to draw on element’s surface in native code. Essentially this mimics Graphics scripting object as close as possible.


Graphics object. Represents graphic surface of the element.

Graphics image object.

Graphics path object.

A graphics state guard.

Text layout object.

Metrics of a text layout object.


Path drawing mode.

Type of the result value for Sciter Graphics functions.

Line drawing cap mode.

Line drawing join mode.

Supported image encodings for Image.save().


Construct a color value (in RGBA form) from the red, green and blue components.

Construct a color value (in RGBA form) from the red, green, blue and opacity components.

Type Definitions

Angle type (in radians).

Color type in the RGBA form.

Dimension type.

Graphics native handle.

Position on a surface in (x, y) form.

A specialized Result type for graphics operations.

Size in (width, height) form.