Crate schnellru

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A fast and flexible LRU map


This repository contains a fast and flexible LRU map.

  • Blazingly fast. Up to twice as fast as the lru crate, and with less memory overhead.
  • Can be also used as an ordered map, with roughly the same performance as indexmap, but with added support for O(1) removals without changing the element order (where indexmap only supports O(n) non-perturbing removals).
  • Customizable. Out-of-box can be limited by length or by memory usage, but supports custom limiters which can be made to limit the map by whatever you want.
  • Tested, miri-clean, clippy-clean and fuzzed.
  • Supports no_std.


use schnellru::{LruMap, ByLength};
let mut map = LruMap::new(ByLength::new(3));

// Insert three elements.
map.insert(1, "one");
map.insert(2, "two");
map.insert(3, "three");
assert_eq!(map.len(), 3);

// They're ordered according to which one was inserted last.
let mut iter = map.iter();
assert_eq!(, (&3, &"three"));
assert_eq!(, (&2, &"two"));
assert_eq!(, (&1, &"one"));

// Access the least recently inserted one.
assert_eq!(*map.get(&1).unwrap(), "one");

// Now the order's changed.
// The element we've accessed was moved to the front.
let mut iter = map.iter();
assert_eq!(, (&1, &"one"));
assert_eq!(, (&3, &"three"));
assert_eq!(, (&2, &"two"));

// Insert a fourth element.
// This will automatically pop the least recently accessed one.
map.insert(4, "four");

// Still the same number of elements.
assert_eq!(map.len(), 3);

// And this is the one which was removed.

// And here's the new order.
let mut iter = map.iter();
assert_eq!(, (&4, &"four"));
assert_eq!(, (&1, &"one"));
assert_eq!(, (&3, &"three"));


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at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


A limiter for a map which is limited by the number of elements.
A limiter for a map which is limited by memory usage.
The default hasher used by the LRU map.
A drain iterator for the LRU map.
An iterator for the LRU map.
An LRU hash map.
The default hash builder used by the LRU map.
A limiter for a map which can hold an unlimited number of elements.
A limiter for a map which can hold an unlimited** number of elements.


A trait used to customize the behavior and the limits of the LRU map.