var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["schemamama"] = {"doc":"","items":[[3,"Migrator","schemamama","Maintains an ordered collection of migrations to utilize.",null,null],[6,"Version","","The version type alias used to uniquely reference migrations.",null,null],[8,"Migration","","All migrations will implement this trait, and a migration trait specific to the chosen adapter.\nThis trait defines the metadata for tracking migration sequence and for human reference.",null,null],[10,"version","","An ordered (but not necessarily sequential), unique identifier for this migration.\nRegistered migrations will be applied in ascending order by version.",0,null],[10,"description","","A message describing the effects of this migration.",0,null],[8,"Adapter","","Use this trait to connect the migrator to your chosen database technology.",null,null],[16,"MigrationType","","An alias to a specific trait that extends `Migration`. Typically, the aforementioned trait\nwill declare functions that the adapter will use to migrate upwards and downwards.",1,null],[16,"Error","","An adapter-specific error type that can be returned from any of this trait's methods.",1,null],[10,"current_version","","Returns the latest migration version, or `None` if no migrations have been recorded.",1,null],[10,"migrated_versions","","Returns a set of the versions of all of the currently applied migrations.",1,null],[10,"apply_migration","","Applies the specified migration.",1,null],[10,"revert_migration","","Reverts the specified migration.",1,null],[11,"new","","Create a migrator with a given adapter.",2,{"inputs":[{"name":"t"}],"output":{"name":"migrator"}}],[11,"adapter","","Get a reference to the adapter.",2,null],[11,"register","","Register a migration. If a migration with the same version is already registered, a warning\nis logged and the registration fails.",2,null],[11,"version_registered","","Returns true is a migration with the provided version has been registered.",2,null],[11,"registered_versions","","Returns the set of all registered migration versions.",2,null],[11,"first_version","","Returns the lowest version of the registered migrations, or `None` if no migrations have\nbeen registered.",2,null],[11,"last_version","","Returns the highest version of the registered migrations, or `None` if no migrations have\nbeen registered.",2,null],[11,"current_version","","Returns the latest migration version, or `None` if no migrations have been recorded.",2,null],[11,"migrated_versions","","Returns a set of the versions of all of the currently applied migrations.",2,null],[11,"down","","Rollback to the specified version (exclusive), or rollback to the state before any\nregistered migrations were applied if `None` is specified.",2,null],[11,"up","","Migrate to the specified version (inclusive).",2,null],[14,"migration!","","Efficiently implement the `Migration` trait for a given type.",null,null]],"paths":[[8,"Migration"],[8,"Adapter"],[3,"Migrator"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);