Crate schemafy_snapshot

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This is a Rust crate which can take a json schema (draft 4) and generate Rust types which are serializable with serde. No checking such as min_value are done but instead only the structure of the schema is followed as closely as possible.

As a schema could be arbitrarily complex this crate makes no guarantee that it can generate good types or even any types at all for a given schema but the crate does manage to bootstrap itself which is kind of cool.


Generated types for VS Codes debug server protocol:


Rust types can be generated by passing a JSON schem, as a string, to the generate() function:

extern crate schemafy;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<std::error::Error>> {
    let schema = std::fs::read_to_string("src/schema.json")?;
    let output = schemafy::generate(Some("Schema"), &schema)?;
    std::fs::write("src/", output.as_bytes())?;



  • A configurable builder for generating Rust types from a JSON schema.


  • Generate Rust types from a JSON schema.