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SCELLER or Systems Components Entities Lacking List Ekindled in Rust is an ECS crate.
It is modelled from the tutorial series by Brooks Builds on Youtube and his series on how to make an ECS in rust.
This project is likely riddled with bugs, and yet I am very proud of it.
For tips and pointers on how to use SCELLER, check the examples folder, or ask a knowledgeable friend. Most importantly, have fun! The ‘prelude’ module contains the only modules you will probably ever need.
If you have any bugs to report or questions, leave ’em on the github friends. If you want me to teach you rust, ask someone who knows rust (maybe that friend we talked about ealier). If you have a terribly negative review or want to chastise my design choices, leave that on the github too. I recommend you don’t check out my other work, because it just isn’t very good. Ok bye.
Oh, and i forgot to mention something really important about this crate, don’t ever ever ever forget t