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Concurrent and asynchronous containers.

  • HashMap: concurrent and asynchronous hash map.
  • HashIndex: concurrent and asynchronous hash map optimized for read.
  • TreeIndex: concurrent and asynchronous B+ tree optimized for read.
  • Queue: lock-free concurrent queue.


  • ebr: epoch-based reclamation.
  • LinkedList: lock-free concurrent linked list type trait.


pub use hash_map::HashMap;
pub use hash_index::HashIndex;
pub use hash_set::HashSet;
pub use tree_index::TreeIndex;


Epoch-based reclamation.
HashIndex is a read-optimized concurrent and asynchronous hash map.
HashMap is a concurrent and asynchronous hash map.
HashSet is a concurrent and asynchronous hash set.
TreeIndex is a read-optimized concurrent and asynchronous B+ tree.


Queue is a lock-free concurrent first-in-first-out queue.


LinkedList is a type trait implementing a lock-free singly linked list.