Crate scan_fmt [] [src]

This crate provides a simple sscanf()-like interface to extract data from strings and stdin.

To use this crate, do:

#[macro_use] extern crate scan_fmt;

Example to read from a string:

  let (a,b,c) = scan_fmt!( "hello 12 345 bye", // input string
                           "hello {} {d} {}",  // format
                           u8, i32, String);   // type of a-c Options
  assert_eq!( a.unwrap(), 12 ) ;
  assert_eq!( b.unwrap(), 345 ) ;
  assert_eq!( c.unwrap(), "bye" ) ;

Special format_string tokens:

  {{ = escape for '{'
  }} = escape for '}'
  {} = return any value (until next whitespace)
  {d} = return base-10 decimal
  {x} = return hex (0xab or ab)
  {f} = return float
  {*d} = "*" as the first character means "match but don't return"
  {[...]} = return pattern.
    ^ inverts if it is the first character
    - is for ranges.  For a literal - put it at the start or end.
    To add a literal ] do "[]abc]"
    {[0-9ab]} = match 0-9 or a or b
    {[,.]} = match anything but , or .

Example to read from stdin:

  let (a,b) = scanln_fmt!( "{}-{}",   // format
                           u16, u8);    // type of a&b Options
  match (a,b) {
    (Some(aa),Some(bb)) => println!("Got {} and {}",aa,bb),
    _ => println!("input error")


There are no compile-time checks to make sure the format strings matches the number of return arguments. Extra return values will be None.

Like sscanf(), whitespace (including \n) is largely ignored.

Conversion to output values is done using parse::().





(a,+) = scan_fmt!( input_string, format_string, types,+ )


(a,+) = scanln_fmt!( format_string, types,+ )

Same as scan_fmt!(), but reads input string from stdin.

