initSidebarItems({"enum":[["ScanErrorKind","Indicates the kind of error that occurred during scanning."]],"macro":[["let_scan!","Scans the provided input, using the specified pattern. All values are bound directly to local variables."],["readln!","Reads a line of text from standard input, then scans it using the provided rules. The result of the `readln!` invocation is the type of the rule bodies; just as with `match`, all bodies must agree on their result type."],["scan!","Scans the provided input, using the specified rules. The result is a `Result` where `T` is the type of the rule bodies; just as with `match`, all bodies must agree on their result type."],["try_readln!","Reads a line of text from standard input, then scans it using the provided rules. The result of the `try_readln!` invocation is a `Result`, where `T` is the type of the rule bodies; just as with `match`, all bodies must agree on their result type."]],"mod":[["input","This module contains items related to input handling."],["scanner","This module defines various scanners that can be used to extract values from input text."]],"struct":[["ScanError","Represents an error that occurred during scanning."],["ScanErrorAt","Represents the position at which an error occurred."]]});