initSidebarItems({"enum":[["QuotedString","Scans a quoted string."]],"fn":[["exact_width","Creates a runtime scanner that forces *exactly* `width` bytes to be consumed."],["exact_width_a","Creates a runtime scanner that forces *exactly* `width` bytes to be consumed by the static scanner `S`."],["max_width","Creates a runtime scanner that forces *at most* `width` bytes to be consumed."],["max_width_a","Creates a runtime scanner that forces *at most* `width` bytes to be consumed by the static scanner `S`."],["min_width","Creates a runtime scanner that forces *at least* `width` bytes to be consumed."],["min_width_a","Creates a runtime scanner that forces *at least* `width` bytes to be consumed by the static scanner `S`."],["scan_a","Returns a runtime scanner that delegates to a static scanner."]],"mod":[["runtime","Types and constructors for various runtime scanners."]],"struct":[["Binary","Scans the given `Output` type from its binary representation."],["Everything","Scans all remaining input into a string."],["Hex","Scans the given `Output` type from its hexadecimal representation."],["Ident","Scans a single identifier into a string."],["Inferred","Explicitly infer the type of a scanner."],["KeyValuePair","An abstract scanner that scans a `(K, V)` value using the syntax `K: V`."],["Line","Scans everything up to the end of the current line, *or* the end of the input, whichever comes first. The scanned result *does not* include the line terminator."],["NonSpace","Scans a sequence of non-space characters into a string."],["Number","Scans a single number into a string."],["Octal","Scans the given `Output` type from its octal representation."],["Space","Scans a sequence of space characters into a string."],["Word","Scans a single word into a string."],["Wordish","Scans a single word-ish thing into a string."]],"trait":[["ScanFromBinary","This trait defines scanning a type from a binary representation."],["ScanFromHex","This trait defines scanning a type from a hexadecimal representation."],["ScanFromOctal","This trait defines scanning a type from an octal representation."],["ScanFromStr","This trait defines the interface to a type which can be scanned."],["ScanSelfFromStr","This is a convenience trait automatically implemented for all scanners which result in themselves (*i.e.* `ScanFromStr::Output = Self`)."],["ScanStr","This trait defines the interface for runtime scanners."]]});