

  • Only available with default NS.
    Delete all the records from a DNS zone. All edits will be versioned.
  • Returns a list of Nameservers and their optional glue records for a DNS zone.
  • Returns a list of DNS records of a DNS zone with default NS. You can filter the records by type and name.
  • Update DNS zone nameservers and set optional glue records.
  • Only available with default NS.
    Send a list of actions and records. Action can be: - add: - Add new record - Can be more specific and add a new IP to an existing A record for example - set: - Edit a record - Can be more specific and edit an IP from an existing A record for example - delete: - Delete a record - Can be more specific and delete an IP from an existing A record for example - clear: - Delete all records from a DNS zone All edits will be versioned.