

  • This method allows to create a new Kubernetes cluster on an account.
  • This method allows to delete a specific cluster and all its associated pools and nodes. Note that this method will not delete any Load Balancers or Block Volumes that are associated with the cluster.
  • This method allows to get details about a specific Kubernetes cluster.
  • This method allows to download the Kubernetes cluster config file (AKA kubeconfig) for a specific cluster in order to use it with, for instance, kubectl. Tips: add ?dl=1 at the end of the URL to directly get the base64 decoded kubeconfig. If not, the kubeconfig will be base64 encoded.
  • This method allows to list the versions that a specific Kubernetes cluster is allowed to upgrade to. Note that it will be every patch version greater than the actual one as well a one minor version ahead of the actual one. Upgrades skipping a minor version will not work.
  • This method allows to list all the existing Kubernetes clusters in an account.
  • This method allows to reset the admin token for a specific Kubernetes cluster. This will invalidate the old admin token (which will not be usable after) and create a new one. Note that the redownload of the kubeconfig will be necessary to keep interacting with the cluster (if the old admin token was used).
  • This method allows to update a specific Kubernetes cluster. Note that this method is not made to upgrade a Kubernetes cluster.
  • This method allows to upgrade a specific Kubernetes cluster and/or its associated pools to a specific and supported Kubernetes version.