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SBP message definitions.


Satellite acquisition messages from the device.

Messages for the bootloading configuration of a Piksi 2.3.1. This message group does not apply to Piksi Multi.

Messages reporting accurately-timestamped external events, e.g. camera shutter time.

Messages for using device’s onboard flash filesystem functionality. This allows data to be stored persistently in the device’s program flash with wear-levelling using a simple filesystem interface. The file system interface (CFS) defines an abstract API for reading directories and for reading and writing files.

Messages for reading/writing the device’s onboard flash memory. Many of these messages target specific flash memory peripherals used in Swift Navigation devices: the STM32 flash and the M25Pxx FPGA configuration flash from Piksi 2.3.1. This module does not apply to Piksi Multi.

Various structs shared between modules

Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) messages.

Integrity flag messages

Linux state monitoring.

Logging and debugging messages from the device.

Magnetometer (mag) messages.

Geodetic navigation messages reporting GPS time, position, velocity, and baseline position solutions. For position solutions, these messages define several different position solutions: single-point (SPP), RTK, and pseudo- absolute position solutions.

Messages for logging NDB events.

Satellite observation messages from the device. The SBP sender ID of 0 indicates remote observations from a GNSS base station, correction network, or Skylark, Swift’s cloud GNSS correction product.

Orientation Messages

System health, configuration, and diagnostic messages specific to the Piksi L1 receiver, including a variety of legacy messages that may no longer be used.

SBAS data

Messages for reading, writing, and discovering device settings. Settings with a “string” field have multiple values in this field delimited with a null character (the c style null terminator). For instance, when querying the ‘firmware_version’ setting in the ‘system_info’ section, the following array of characters needs to be sent for the string field in MSG_SETTINGS_READ: “system_info\0firmware_version\0”, where the delimiting null characters are specified with the escape sequence ‘\0’ and all quotation marks should be omitted.

Messages relating to signatures

Standardized Metadata messages for Fuzed Solution from Swift Navigation devices.

Precise State Space Representation (SSR) corrections format

Standardized system messages from Swift Navigation devices.

Satellite code and carrier-phase tracking messages from the device.

Unknown messages.

Messages reserved for use by the user.

Messages from a vehicle.


The error returned when using TryFrom to convert Sbp to the wrong message type.


Represents any SBP message.


Implemented by messages who’s message name and type are known at compile time. This is everything that implements SbpMessage except for Sbp.

Common functionality available to all SBP messages.