Module sbp::messages

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SBP message definitions.


  • Satellite acquisition messages from the device.
  • Messages for the bootloading configuration of a Piksi 2.3.1. This message group does not apply to Piksi Multi.
  • Messages reporting accurately-timestamped external events, e.g. camera shutter time.
  • Messages for using device’s onboard flash filesystem functionality. This allows data to be stored persistently in the device’s program flash with wear-levelling using a simple filesystem interface. The file system interface (CFS) defines an abstract API for reading directories and for reading and writing files.
  • Messages for reading/writing the device’s onboard flash memory. Many of these messages target specific flash memory peripherals used in Swift Navigation devices: the STM32 flash and the M25Pxx FPGA configuration flash from Piksi 2.3.1. This module does not apply to Piksi Multi.
  • Various structs shared between modules
  • Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) messages.
  • Integrity flag messages
  • Linux state monitoring.
  • Logging and debugging messages from the device.
  • Magnetometer (mag) messages.
  • Geodetic navigation messages reporting GPS time, position, velocity, and baseline position solutions. For position solutions, these messages define several different position solutions: single-point (SPP), RTK, and pseudo- absolute position solutions.
  • Messages for logging NDB events.
  • Satellite observation messages from the device. The SBP sender ID of 0 indicates remote observations from a GNSS base station, correction network, or Skylark, Swift’s cloud GNSS correction product.
  • Orientation Messages
  • System health, configuration, and diagnostic messages specific to the Piksi L1 receiver, including a variety of legacy messages that may no longer be used.
  • SBAS data
  • Messages for reading, writing, and discovering device settings. Settings with a “string” field have multiple values in this field delimited with a null character (the c style null terminator). For instance, when querying the ‘firmware_version’ setting in the ‘system_info’ section, the following array of characters needs to be sent for the string field in MSG_SETTINGS_READ: “system_info\0firmware_version\0”, where the delimiting null characters are specified with the escape sequence ‘\0’ and all quotation marks should be omitted.
  • Messages relating to signatures
  • Standardized Metadata messages for Fuzed Solution from Swift Navigation devices.
  • Precise State Space Representation (SSR) corrections format
  • Standardized system messages from Swift Navigation devices.
  • Telemetry messages reported by Starling engine. The messages include various byproducts of state estimation and other logic across Starling and are aimed at efficient issue diagnostics.
  • Satellite code and carrier-phase tracking messages from the device.
  • Unknown messages.
  • Messages reserved for use by the user.
  • Messages from a vehicle.



  • Represents any SBP message.


  • Implemented by messages who’s message name and type are known at compile time. This is everything that implements SbpMessage except for Sbp.
  • Friendly name representation of Sbp message
  • Common functionality available to all SBP messages.