[][src]Attribute Macro sbp::sbp


A procedural macro for declaring compound structures that can be parsed and serialized.


The sbp macro takes either the form #[sbp(parsable)] or #[sbp(parsable, serializable)], where the former declares a struct implementing Parser<Target=Self> + Parse and the latter declares a struct implementing Serializer<Target=Self> + Serialize.

The struct is simply written as regular Rust structs, but since the primitive integers don't implement Parse or Serialize, those fields will have the type similar to Le<u64> or Be<u128>. The field may be prefixed with #[align(X)], #[pad(X)], #[condition(X)] or #[custom(X, Y)].


Aligns the following field to the specified alignment.


Advances the internal counter by the specified padding.

#[condition(<conditional expression>)]

Parses or serializes the following field if the condition is true, and wraps the field in an Option. Internal struct fields are accessible, but borrowed when used.

#[custom(<parser type>, <meta>)]

Applies a custom parser with the target type being the type of the following field. The meta is forwarded directly into the parse or serialize functions, and can be used to e.g. specify the amount of bytes to take when using Take. The type pointed to must implement Parser if the sbp macro is called with parsable, and Serialize if it's called with serializable as well.


#[sbp(parsable, serializable)]
pub struct SomeBinaryFormat {
    magic: Le<u64>,
    node_count: Le<u8>,
    len: Le<u32>,

    version: Le<u64>,
    #[condition(*version > 0)]
    uuid: Be<u128>,
let count = 36;
let bytes = read_from_disk(count)?;

let (s, _len) = SomeBinaryFormat::parse((), &bytes)?;
if s.version > 0 {
    assert_eq!(s.uuid, None);