Function sauron::styles_flag

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pub fn styles_flag<MSG>(
    trio: impl IntoIterator<Item = (impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>, impl Into<Value>, bool)>
) -> Attribute<MSG>
Expand description

A helper function which creates a style attribute by assembling only the parts that passed the boolean flag.


use sauron::*;

let is_active = true;
let display:Attribute<()> = styles_flag([
        ("display", "block", is_active),
        ("display", "none", !is_active),

This could also be written as

use sauron::{*, html::attributes::styles};

let is_active = true;
let display:Attribute<()> =
    styles([("display", if is_active { "block" }else{ "none" })]);