Crate saturating_cast

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Saturating casts for integer primitives.


  • no_std by default
  • Saturating casts implemented between all of the following:
    • u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, usize
    • i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, isize
  • Saturating traits can be implemented for user types


A saturating cast is a combined clamp and cast from one type to another.

The cast is effectively value.clamp(T::MIN, T::MAX) as T, returning the minimum if value is less than the target minimum or the maximum if greater than the target maximum.


In the following code, the i32 value is clamped to 255 since u8 has a range of 0..=255 and 1024 is larger than the maximum value that u8 can represent.

In the second snippet, an i8 with negative sign is clamped to 0 when cast to u16 because unsigned integers cannot be negative.

use saturating_cast::SaturatingCast;

let x: i32 = 1024;
let y: u8 = 10;
let z = x.saturating_cast::<u8>() - y;
assert_eq!(245, z);

let a = -128_i8;
let b: u16 = a.saturating_cast();
assert_eq!(0, b);

Saturating casts do not preserve the original value if the source type value is out of range for the target type: the resulting value will be the minimum or maximum of the target type.

Note: This crate only casts and returns primitive integers. Saturating arithmetic is still required to avoid wraparound in release mode and panicking in debug mode (or with overflow checks on in release mode).

Implementing saturating casts for custom types

The following code implements the two traits needed for saturating casts from Int to Uint. The functionality for saturation is defined within SaturatingElement’s as_element.

use saturating_cast::{SaturatingCast, SaturatingElement};

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Int(i32);

struct Uint(u8);

impl SaturatingElement<Uint> for Int {
    fn as_element(self) -> Uint {
        Uint(self.0.max(0).min(255) as u8)

impl SaturatingCast for Int {}

assert_eq!(u8::MIN, Int(i32::MIN).saturating_cast::<Uint>().0);
assert_eq!(u8::MAX, Int(512).saturating_cast::<Uint>().0);


  • Trait that enables saturating casts between a source and target type. The value is not preserved if the target type cannot represent the original source value. This cast does not fail.
  • Supporting trait for SaturatingCast which performs saturating conversion from a source element type to a target element type.