Expand description

Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction

Traits and implementations to support producing witnesses for Miniscript scriptpubkeys.


Newtype around u32 which implements Satisfier using n as an absolute locktime

Newtype around u32 which implements Satisfier using n as an relative locktime

A (dis)satisfaction of a Miniscript fragment

Newtype around sha256::Hash which implements Satisfier using h as an transaction template hash


A witness, if available, for a Miniscript fragment


Trait describing a lookup table for signatures, hash preimages, etc. Every method has a default implementation that simply returns None on every query. Users are expected to override the methods that they have data for.


Helper function to create BitcoinSig from Rawsig Useful for downstream when implementing Satisfier. Returns underlying secp if the Signature is not of correct format

Type Definitions

Type alias for a signature/hashtype pair

Type alias for 32 byte Preimage.