Module saphir::controller

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Controllers are responsible for handling requests and returning responses to the client.

More specifically a Controller defines a list of endpoint (Handlers) that handle a request and return a Future of a Responder. The Responder is responsible for the Response being generated.

To create a controller, simply implement the Controller trait on a struct:

use saphir::prelude::*;

struct BasicController;

impl Controller for BasicController {
    const BASE_PATH: &'static str = "/basic";

    fn handlers(&self) -> Vec<ControllerEndpoint<Self>>
        Self: Sized {
            .add(Method::GET, "/healthz", BasicController::healthz)

impl BasicController {
    async fn healthz(&self, req: Request<Body>) -> impl Responder {200}


Builder to simplify returning a list of endpoints in the handlers method of the controller trait


Trait that defines how a controller handles its requests
Trait that defines a handler within a controller. This trait is not meant to be implemented manually as there is a blanket implementation for Async Fns

Type Definitions

Type definition to represent a endpoint within a controller