Struct saphir::Response

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pub struct Response<T> { /* private fields */ }
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Represents an HTTP response

An HTTP response consists of a head and a potentially optional body. The body component is generic, enabling arbitrary types to represent the HTTP body. For example, the body could be Vec<u8>, a Stream of byte chunks, or a value that has been deserialized.

Typically you’ll work with responses on the client side as the result of sending a Request and on the server you’ll be generating a Request to send back to the client.


Creating a Response to return

use http::{Request, Response, StatusCode};

fn respond_to(req: Request<()>) -> http::Result<Response<()>> {
    let mut response = Response::builder();
    response.header("Foo", "Bar")

    if req.headers().contains_key("Another-Header") {
        response.header("Another-Header", "Ack");


A simple 404 handler

use http::{Request, Response, StatusCode};

fn not_found(_req: Request<()>) -> http::Result<Response<()>> {

Or otherwise inspecting the result of a request:

use http::{Request, Response};

fn get(url: &str) -> http::Result<Response<()>> {
    // ...

let response = get("").unwrap();

if !response.status().is_success() {
    panic!("failed to get a successful response status!");

if let Some(date) = response.headers().get("Date") {
    // we've got a `Date` header!

let body = response.body();
// ...

Deserialize a response of bytes via json:

use http::Response;
use serde::de;

fn deserialize<T>(req: Response<Vec<u8>>) -> serde_json::Result<Response<T>>
    where for<'de> T: de::Deserialize<'de>,
    let (parts, body) = req.into_parts();
    let body = serde_json::from_slice(&body)?;
    Ok(Response::from_parts(parts, body))

Or alternatively, serialize the body of a response to json

use http::Response;
use serde::ser;

fn serialize<T>(req: Response<T>) -> serde_json::Result<Response<Vec<u8>>>
    where T: ser::Serialize,
    let (parts, body) = req.into_parts();
    let body = serde_json::to_vec(&body)?;
    Ok(Response::from_parts(parts, body))


Creates a new builder-style object to manufacture a Response

This method returns an instance of Builder which can be used to create a Response.

let response = Response::builder()
    .header("X-Custom-Foo", "Bar")

Creates a new blank Response with the body

The component ports of this response will be set to their default, e.g. the ok status, no headers, etc.

let response = Response::new("hello world");

assert_eq!(response.status(), StatusCode::OK);
assert_eq!(*response.body(), "hello world");

Creates a new Response with the given head and body

let response = Response::new("hello world");
let (mut parts, body) = response.into_parts();

parts.status = StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST;
let response = Response::from_parts(parts, body);

assert_eq!(response.status(), StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST);
assert_eq!(*response.body(), "hello world");

Returns the StatusCode.

let response: Response<()> = Response::default();
assert_eq!(response.status(), StatusCode::OK);

Returns a mutable reference to the associated StatusCode.

let mut response: Response<()> = Response::default();
*response.status_mut() = StatusCode::CREATED;
assert_eq!(response.status(), StatusCode::CREATED);

Returns a reference to the associated version.

let response: Response<()> = Response::default();
assert_eq!(response.version(), Version::HTTP_11);

Returns a mutable reference to the associated version.

let mut response: Response<()> = Response::default();
*response.version_mut() = Version::HTTP_2;
assert_eq!(response.version(), Version::HTTP_2);

Returns a reference to the associated header field map.

let response: Response<()> = Response::default();

Returns a mutable reference to the associated header field map.

let mut response: Response<()> = Response::default();
response.headers_mut().insert(HOST, HeaderValue::from_static("world"));

Returns a reference to the associated extensions.

let response: Response<()> = Response::default();

Returns a mutable reference to the associated extensions.

let mut response: Response<()> = Response::default();
assert_eq!(response.extensions().get(), Some(&"hello"));

Returns a reference to the associated HTTP body.

let response: Response<String> = Response::default();

Returns a mutable reference to the associated HTTP body.

let mut response: Response<String> = Response::default();
response.body_mut().push_str("hello world");

Consumes the response, returning just the body.

let response = Response::new(10);
let body = response.into_body();
assert_eq!(body, 10);

Consumes the response returning the head and body parts.

let response: Response<()> = Response::default();
let (parts, body) = response.into_parts();
assert_eq!(parts.status, StatusCode::OK);

Consumes the response returning a new response with body mapped to the return type of the passed in function.

let response = Response::builder().body("some string").unwrap();
let mapped_response: Response<&[u8]> =|b| {
  assert_eq!(b, "some string");
assert_eq!(mapped_response.body(), &"some string".as_bytes());

Trait Implementations

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more
Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more
Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more
Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Returns the argument unchanged.

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.

The alignment of pointer.
The type for initializers.
Initializes a with the given initializer. Read more
Dereferences the given pointer. Read more
Mutably dereferences the given pointer. Read more
Drops the object pointed to by the given pointer. Read more
The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
Performs the conversion.
The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
Performs the conversion.