Establishes a happens-before relation with a preceding acquire on the same
Check that the current thread does not hold any mutexes, report a bug
Creates a fiber.
Destroys a fiber.
Assigns a tag to a heap object.
Annotates a logical read of the object at the specified address.
Registers a header for an external tag.
Registers a tag with the specified name.
Annotates a logical write of the object at the specified address.
Release TSan internal memory in a best-effort manner.
Returns the current report.
Returns a report’s description.
Returns information about locations included in the report.
Returns information about memory operations included in the report.
Returns information about mutexes included in the report.
Returns information about stack traces included in the report.
Returns information about threads included in the report.
Returns information about unique thread IDs included in the report.
Annotate creation of a mutex.
Annotate destruction of a mutex.
Annotate end of a region of code where lock/unlock/signal operation diverts
to do something else unrelated to the mutex.
Annotate end of lock operation.
Annotate end of notify operation.
Annotate end of unlock operation.
Annotate a region of code where lock/unlock/signal operation diverts to do
something else unrelated to the mutex.
Annotate start of lock operation.
Annotate start of notify operation.
Annotate start of unlock operation.
User-provided callback invoked on TSan shutdown.
User-provided callback invoked on TSan initialization.
Establishes a happens-before relation with a subsequent release on the same
Sets a fiber name.
Switches to a fiber.