[−][src]Crate saml10d15a
Peripheral access API for ATSAML10D15A microcontrollers (generated using svd2rust v0.16.0)
You can find an overview of the API here.
ac | Analog Comparators |
adc | Analog Digital Converter |
ccl | Configurable Custom Logic |
core_debug | Debug Control Block |
dac | Digital Analog Converter |
dib | Debug Identification Block |
dmac | Direct Memory Access Controller |
dsu | Device Service Unit |
eic | External Interrupt Controller |
evsys | Event System Interface |
freqm | Frequency Meter |
gclk | Generic Clock Generator |
generic | Common register and bit access and modify traits |
icb | Implementation Control Block |
mclk | Main Clock |
nvmctrl | Non-Volatile Memory Controller |
opamp | Operational Amplifier |
osc32kctrl | 32k Oscillators Control |
oscctrl | Oscillators Control |
pac | Peripheral Access Controller |
pm | Power Manager |
port | Port Module |
rstc | Reset Controller |
rtc | Real-Time Counter |
sercom0 | Serial Communication Interface |
supc | Supply Controller |
sys_tick | SysTick Timer |
tc0 | Basic Timer Counter |
tram | TrustRAM |
trng | True Random Generator |
wdt | Watchdog Timer |
AC | Analog Comparators |
ADC | Analog Digital Converter |
CBP | Cache and branch predictor maintenance operations |
CCL | Configurable Custom Logic |
COREDEBUG | Debug Control Block |
CorePeripherals | Core peripherals |
DAC | Digital Analog Converter |
DCB | Debug Control Block |
DIB | Debug Identification Block |
DMAC | Direct Memory Access Controller |
DSU | Device Service Unit |
DSU_EXT | Device Service Unit |
DWT | Data Watchpoint and Trace unit |
EIC | External Interrupt Controller |
EVSYS | Event System Interface |
FPB | Flash Patch and Breakpoint unit |
FREQM | Frequency Meter |
GCLK | Generic Clock Generator |
ICB | Implementation Control Block |
ITM | Instrumentation Trace Macrocell |
MCLK | Main Clock |
MPU | Memory Protection Unit |
NVIC | Nested Vector Interrupt Controller |
NVMCTRL | Non-Volatile Memory Controller |
OPAMP | Operational Amplifier |
OSC32KCTRL | 32k Oscillators Control |
OSCCTRL | Oscillators Control |
PAC | Peripheral Access Controller |
PM | Power Manager |
PORT | Port Module |
PORT_IOBUS | Port Module |
Peripherals | All the peripherals |
RSTC | Reset Controller |
RTC | Real-Time Counter |
SCB | System Control Block |
SERCOM0 | Serial Communication Interface |
SERCOM1 | Serial Communication Interface |
SUPC | Supply Controller |
SYST | SysTick: System Timer |
SYSTICK | SysTick Timer |
TC0 | Basic Timer Counter |
TC1 | Basic Timer Counter |
TC2 | Basic Timer Counter |
TPIU | Trace Port Interface Unit |
TRAM | TrustRAM |
TRNG | True Random Generator |
WDT | Watchdog Timer |
Interrupt | Enumeration of all the interrupts |
NVIC_PRIO_BITS | Number available in the NVIC for configuring priority |