Module salvo_core::conn

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Various listener implementations for handling HTTP connections.

These listeners include implementations for different TLS libraries such as rustls , native-tls , and openssl. The module also provides support for HTTP versions 1 and 2, as well as the QUIC protocol. Additionally, it includes implementations for Unix domain sockets.



  • acmeacme
    ACME supports.
  • Socket Address module.
  • http1http1
    HTTP/1 Server Connections
  • http2http2
    HTTP/2 Server Connections
  • native_tlsnative-tls
    NativeTlsListener and utils.
  • opensslopenssl
    OpensslListener and utils.
  • quinnquinn
    QuinnListener and utils.
  • rustlsrustls
    RustlsListener and utils.
  • TcpListener and it’s implements.
  • unixUnix
    UnixListener module



  • Acceptor represents an acceptor that can accept incoming connections.
  • A type that can convert into tls config stream.
  • Listener represents a listener that can bind to a specific address and port and return an acceptor.