Module salvo_core::prelude

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A list of things that automatically imports into application use salvo_core.


pub use crate::http::Request;
pub use crate::http::Response;
pub use crate::listener::AcmeListener;
pub use crate::listener::RustlsListener;
pub use crate::listener::NativeTlsListener;
pub use crate::listener::OpensslListener;
pub use crate::listener::UnixListener;
pub use crate::extract::LazyExtract;
pub use crate::handler::empty_handler;
pub use crate::handler::Handler;
pub use crate::listener::JoinedListener;
pub use crate::listener::Listener;
pub use crate::listener::TcpListener;
pub use crate::routing::FlowCtrl;
pub use crate::writer::Piece;
pub use crate::writer::Writer;


Depot if for store temp data of current request. Each handler can read or write data to it.
Write serializable content to response as json content. It will set content-type to application/json; charset=utf-8.
Response that redirects the request to another location.
Router struct is used for route request to different handlers.
HTTP Server
Service http request.
An HTTP status code (status-code in RFC 7230 et al.).
StatusError contains http error information.


Write text content to response as text content.

Attribute Macros

handler is a pro macro to help create Handler from function or impl block easily.

Derive Macros

Generate code for extractible type.