Crate salvo_csrf

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CSRF middleware for Savlo web framework.

CSRF middleware for Salvo that provides CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) protection.

Data can be saved in Cookies via CookieStore or in session via SessionStore. SessionStore need to work with salvo-session crate.

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  • AesGcmCipheraes-gcm-cipher
    CSRF protection implementation that uses AES-GCM.
  • BcryptCipherbcrypt-cipher
    CSRF protection implementation that uses bcrypt.
  • CcpCipherccp-cipher
    CcpCipher is a CSRF protection implementation that uses ChaCha20Poly1305.
  • CookieStorecookie-store
    A CsrfStore implementation that stores the CSRF proof in a cookie.
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection middleware.
  • Find token from request form body.
  • Find token from http request header.
  • HmacCipherhmac-cipher
    A CSRF protection implementation that uses HMAC.
  • Find token from request json body.
  • SessionStoresession-store
    A CsrfStore implementation that stores the CSRF proof in a session.




  • aes_gcm_cookie_csrfaes-gcm-cipher and cookie-store
    Helper function to create a Csrf use AesGcmCipher and CookieStore.
  • aes_gcm_csrfaes-gcm-cipher
    Helper function to create a Csrf use AesGcmCipher.
  • aes_gcm_session_csrfaes-gcm-cipher and session-store
    Helper function to create a Csrf use AesGcmCipher and SessionStore.
  • bcrypt_cookie_csrfbcrypt-cipher and cookie-store
    Helper function to create a Csrf use BcryptCipher and CookieStore.
  • bcrypt_csrfbcrypt-cipher
    Helper function to create a Csrf use BcryptCipher.
  • bcrypt_session_csrfbcrypt-cipher and session-store
    Helper function to create a Csrf use BcryptCipher and SessionStore.
  • ccp_cookie_csrfccp-cipher and cookie-store
    Helper function to create a Csrf use CcpCipher and CookieStore.
  • ccp_csrfccp-cipher
    Helper function to create a Csrf use CcpCipher.
  • ccp_session_csrfccp-cipher and session-store
    Helper function to create a Csrf use CcpCipher and SessionStore.
  • cookie_storecookie-store
    Helper function to create a CookieStore.
  • hmac_cookie_csrfhmac-cipher and cookie-store
    Helper function to create a Csrf use HmacCipher and CookieStore.
  • hmac_csrfhmac-cipher
    Helper function to create a Csrf use HmacCipher.
  • hmac_session_csrfhmac-cipher and session-store
    Helper function to create a Csrf use HmacCipher and SessionStore.
  • session_storesession-store
    Helper function to create a SessionStore.