Module salva3d::math[][src]

Expand description

Compilation flags dependent aliases for mathematical types.


The maximum number of possible rotations of a rigid body.

The maximum number of possible translations of a rigid body.

The maximum number of possible rotations and translations of a rigid body.


The cross-product matrix for the given vector.

Type Definitions

The dimension of the rotations.

The inertia tensor type.

The angular vector type.

The dimension of the ambient space.

The inertia matrix type.

The transformation matrix type.

The type of a constraint jacobian in twist coordinates.

The type of a slice of the constraint jacobian in twist coordinates.

The type of a mutable slice of the constraint jacobian in twist coordinates.

Square matrix with dimension Dim × Dim.

The orientation type.

The point type.

The scalar type.

The rotation type.

The rotation matrix type.

The dimension of a spatial vector.

Square matrix with dimension SpatialDim × SpatialDim.

The vector type with dimension SpatialDim × 1.

The translation type.

The vector type.